Dual Universe Wiki

In Dual Universe, the political system is far more flexible than most games because the relationship between organizations is almost completely customizable. Unlike other games, merging two groups, regardless of size and complexity, doesn't require that members or groups leave one organization to join another. Organizations have both Affiliates and Members, each with similar rights and privileges, and members can hold Legate powers in multiple organizations at once. For a more in-depth explanation, see the Organizations page.

Any organization can become an affiliate of any other organization without effecting or changing its relationship with its own members and affiliate organizations. Organizations are also free to determine the rules for their own internal governance, which allows for the creation of a multitude of government types. As a result, players are free to design nearly any governmental structure they can imagine, and the relationship between organizations isn't hindered by game mechanics.

For Example:

Several organizations, each with 50 to 100 members, decide to join together under one organization known as The Star Federation. Once joined, they are all affiliates of The Star Federation, but each smaller organization can continue to operate just as it did before the merger, because their internal structure doesn't need to change to be a part of a larger organization. The members of The Star Federation can set up a system that allows them to elect players to a governing body from each of their affiliate organizations, and those individuals can be granted Legate powers in The Star Federation without having to leave their original organization.

Some time later, the Star Federation decides to join with another organization of similar size, known as the Imperators. Together, they create and join an organization known as the Space Lords. Because of the freedom provided by the DU organization system, there are no adverse effects to the structure, members, or affiliates of the Star Federation or the Imperators. This process can happen a dozen more times with much the same effect.

Gameplay Ramifications

This flexibility allows for an extremely customizable, complex, and immersive political system. Governments and nations can evolve and develop in much the same way they do in real life, with a theoretically unlimited level of complexity. Players can create and join their own systems that govern everything from local affairs to intergalactic politics, with separate political systems for each level.
