Dual Universe Wiki

Organizations are the template for providing inter-player cooperation, the equivalent of guilds or corporations in other MMOs. Unlike other games, the organization mechanism in Dual Universe is extraordinarily simple, in the sense that it does not pigeon-hole the player into a specific type of group management. Rather, through this mechanism, players are given the opportunity to form anything and everything from pirate gang to space empire through Territory Control, the Rights & Duties Management System, and cooperation.


Membership in an organization is split into two categories, member and legate. All legates are not necessarily members, and vice-versa. For all intents and purposes, the legates own the organization through an allocation of shares in the organization, beginning with the founder owning all of the shares. Members on the other hand, do not own shares but can be assigned functions.


This simple system of share-ownership is intended to allow for a wide variety of ownership/leadership-systems. For example, a dictatorship would own all of the shares and be the only legate, whereas in a direct democracy or collective, all members would be legates with equal shares. The creation of new shares and their allocation is controlled by a simple "one share = one vote" system.

A more complicated example would be that of a indirect democracy, where each member is still assigned one share or vote, but for administrative purposes, they delegate this power to a small congress of legates to make decisions and provide leadership for the group as whole. This system of delegation of power appears to allow for both temporary and permanent delegation of a legate's voting power.

Hierarchical Membership

Legates and members can also be completely seperate organizations by themselves. Meaning, hierarchical systems of alliances, federations, and unions of organizations can be created to allow for even greater customization of cooperation between entities.


Default templates will be provided for typical organization structures, but no specifics have been provided to date.


Unless otherwise noted, all information from:

Organizations Dev Blog
